Friday, January 6, 2012

Less Than Perfect

Things will never be perfect. Sometimes they will never even be close. Yet that is no reason to hide away from life, no reason to curse your predicament. On the contrary, it is every reason to rise up and go forth with renewed determination.

If you wait for conditions to be perfect, you won’t ever get much done. If you refuse to go ahead unless you can be guaranteed of a sure thing, you’ll never get very far.

It’s great to aim toward perfection, yet to arrive at perfection you must cross through a lot of imperfection. To get everything just right, you must be willing to deal with things going wrong.
Take this day, this moment, with all its flaws, and make the very most of it. Rather than complaining about what you don’t have or where you’d rather be, make full use of where you are, of what you do have.

Aim toward perfection while also accepting the reality of what is. And excellence will surely result.

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